Thanksgiving Trivia Questions
Here are some fun kid-friendly Thanksgiving trivia questions to share with children.
What bird is most commonly associated with Thanksgiving?
Answer: Turkey
How long did the first Thanksgiving feast last?
Answer: Three days
Which U.S. President made Thanksgiving a national holiday?
Answer: Abraham Lincoln
What is the name of the ship the Pilgrims traveled on to reach America?
Answer: The Mayflower
Which parade is famous for its giant balloons on Thanksgiving?
Answer: The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
What do families traditionally do with the turkey's wishbone?
Answer: They break it, and the person with the bigger piece makes a wish.
What day of the week is Thanksgiving celebrated in the United States?
Answer: Thursday
What is the day after Thanksgiving called, when people go shopping for big discounts?
Answer: Black Friday
Which Native American tribe celebrated the first Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims?
Answer: The Wampanoag
True or False: The Pilgrims had pumpkin pie at the first Thanksgiving.
Answer: False (they had pumpkins, but not enough sugar to make pie!)
What is the red piece of skin on a turkey's beak called?
Answer: Snood
How many turkeys are eaten every year in the United States on Thanksgiving?
Answer: About 46 million
What sport is often watched on Thanksgiving?
Answer: Football
Which vegetable was a favorite of the Native Americans and was eaten at the first Thanksgiving?
Answer: Corn
What is the symbol of Thanksgiving that is shaped like a horn and filled with fruits and vegetables?
Answer: Cornucopia, or "horn of plenty"
Which President started the tradition of "pardoning" a turkey?
Answer: President George H.W. Bush
True or False: Wild turkeys can fly.
Answer: True (they can fly for short distances)
What color are a turkey's feathers when it gets excited or scared?
Answer: They can turn red, white, or blue.
What type of pie is most popular on Thanksgiving?
Answer: Pumpkin pie
In what month is Thanksgiving celebrated in Canada?
Answer: October